20.11.2022 | “God, That’s Brilliant”

Lyrics: “God, That’s Brilliant” ~ Operation Mincemeat, 2019

Musical | My favourite musical – “Operation Mincemeat” – is being transferred to a stage in the West End in London next year. Holy shit! To be honest, I have no idea how the process works of getting a new-ish musical to be performed on a stage in one of the two most renowned theatre areas in the world (Broadway being the other one, of course). But I’m pretty sure that it is a BIG deal. Especially as this one was written by “Spitlip” an absolute newcomer in the business. It’s their first ever musical.

Felix, Natasha, Zoe and David from SpitLip after they won their first award

A lot of people in the theatre / creative art scene helped them get there. But none the less. They made it to a West End stage. I’m so excited for them, because I just love their work and from my own experience of meeting them after shows in the past and their interaction on social media, I think they are just bloody lovely people. And yes, of course, I’m going to be there to watch it. Multiple times. In April 2023. Probably again in June. We’ll see. I’ve been a fan of Felix Hagan’s music since Frank Turner (him, again!) took “Felix Hagan & The Family” (Tash being one of the ‘background’ singers) on tour as support in 2016. This clip gives you a good idea of what wonderful glittery glam-rock their music and shows are

I started following them on social media and got excited when I heard about the musical idea in 2018. Watched all the “work in progress” YouTube videos, was there for one of the first shows on their first run in April 2019 and was blown away right away. They reworked and refined parts of the show since then and it was super interesting to see the different versions of this show (in early 2020 and then again last summer). And I can’t wait to see it again next year.

Books | I’ve been reading quite a lot recently as well. Sometimes while streaming old / new TV shows in the background. I don’t know what that says about my (lack of) focus. I really enjoyed “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow”, which was a detour from my regular “rom-com / historical fiction / contemporary romance fiction” genres. But a good one. At the moment I’m reading a regular rom-com “Better Than Fiction”, which is nice. Nothing spectacular, but interesting enough characters and plot so far. Whenever I browse the sale / recommendation sites of my regular big chain book stores I get recommendations for two very successful female authors from the contemporary romance fiction genre. SO many recommendations because they’ve written so many books so far. I read one of each and I didn’t enjoy the one and the other I aborted before the midpoint mark. Every once in a while, I contemplate giving either one another chance, because they obviously must do something right to sell as many novels as they do. But then I can’t bring myself to do that and just pick different authors instead. A bit peevish maybe.

Fun | After the quite busy and stressful week I was glad to be able to relax with friends on Saturday. Playing games, chatting, enjoying time with each other. We really need to do that more often.

Boardgame "Ticket to Ride: London", 2022
“Ticket to Ride: London”, 2022

And now…. off to the sofa, with a coffee, (e)book and a blanket, because winter made a first quick appearance here this weekend.

06.11.2022 | “Is It Any Fucking Wonder Our Society’s in Danger of Collapse?”

Lyrics: “Thatcher Fucked the Kids” – Frank Turner, 2006

Ever since I saw Frank play this song to a UK audience in Coventry (and Liverpool) about a month ago I had pondered writing this post. Or to at least gather my thoughts on the revival of this song and why I scream along to it with gusto, even though I do not live in the UK nor do I have or ever had a UK passport. Thatcher’s politics never ever personally affected me.

But then COVID hit and the idea slipped my mind. Until the song came on in my “Mix Mix” (very original, I know) playlist in my car on a drive back home this afternoon.

The song is from 2006 and was and still is a very harsh, honest, valid account of how much the so called “Thatcherism” hurt and messed up parts of the British society. And how these policies reverberated for years after and still do. For quite a long time (2010 onwards maybe?) Frank didn’t play the song live anymore. I think to avoid being put into a “lefty political songwriter” box for one. Maybe also to avoid the senseless shitstorm from conservative fans / journalists / people on social media. Either way we all considered the song to have been retired, except for the rare occasion of a “let’s play ALL songs of this time” concert (e.g. Lost Evenings) or live stream during the pandemic. The few times I heard it live before or even when it came on in one of my playlists, I liked to sing along, mostly probably because it is a catchy tune and sometimes it is fun and freeing to just bitch and swear about something.

I admit that until quite recently I didn’t really look into Thatcher’s politics. I knew she was a Tory and that she cut government spending, was anti-union and such. I never read up further or looked into the whole “free market”, privatisation, lowering taxes, restraining the unions side of it all. And I think it’s this neo-liberalism philosophy, which I hadn’t associated with her so much before, that makes me sing this song with so much more rage than before. Because I oppose most neo-liberal policies with a passion!

I’m happy that my Green party is part of the government coalition in Germany at the moment. But the other smaller partner in the 3-party coalition are the Liberals, which follow quite neoliberal philosophy these days. And I absolutely hate it! Whether it’s the current climate / energy crisis or how to handle the pandemic or the welfare state. Their “solution” also always is: free markets, wait for new technologies, but never ever impose any restrictions. Like a speed limit on the German motorways! All based on the idea that everybody shall be able to do as they please and that anyone can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Which we all know is not true!

So yeah, I’m rather frustrated by our German government these days, because even though the Liberals had the smallest share of votes, they seem to be the loudest in the government and seem to decide on policies more often than the other two. And I hate it, because I think their policies are wrong and hurtful and destructive on a societal level. Of course the neo-right party AfD and other groups (Anti-Vaxers, Pro-Russia) also add to the rift in our society, but it just pains me to see that these neo-liberal ideas seem to be such a huge part of our governmental strategy.

To bring this back to Frank. I don’t really know why he decided to put the song back on the setlist these days. At the two shows I saw he clearly stated his frustration with the current government before/after the song. Maybe he wanted to take a stand again. Or maybe he just wanted to provide his UK audience with a 3 – minutes emotional outlet for all their frustration with this government by singing along to this song so fiercely. It worked for my frustration with my government at least, so thanks for that, Frank.

For all my “Not-Frank-Fan” reader: here are the lyrics and here is the song:

16.10.2022 | “A Plague On Both Your Houses…”

“Romeo and Juliet” – William Shakespeare, 1597

If you follow me on social media – and I assume you do, because where else would you have found this blog? – you will know by now that after 2,5 years COVID finally got me as well. I’m doing okayish on day 5, but the first few days have been difficult for several reasons. Do I know where I caught it? Sadly, yes, pretty much. It was just shit timing to visit the UK to see Frank Turner play some shows. There has been enough of Frank here, so instead look at some photos of lovely Shropshire.

Ruins at Wenlock Priory, Shropshire, UK
Ruins at Wenlock Priory, Shropshire, UK

Much Wenlock, Shropshire, UK
Much Wenlock, Shropshire, UK
Ruins of Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire, UK
Ruins of Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire, UK
Tiled Floor at Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire, UK
Tiled Floor at Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire, UK