About Me

June 2020

Hallo! Hi! Hej!

These are basically the only three languages – German, English, Swedish – I speak and “speaking” isn’t even true for the last one. I can read and understand it, since I did a uni term abroad in Stockholm… many, many years ago. 

I started blogging (recapping my days, sort of journalling) in my native German in September 2004. I switched to English in April 2008, because I felt like that is my online language (I might be totally wrong about this). I really, really love that language though. For many years I wrote about vacations and favourite TV shows and music and local politics and my everday life and all kinds of stuff. 

But at some point in the last few years I lost my sense of or drive for blogging or whatever it was that made me not just write down, but publish (!) my thoughts and opinions and ideas and on the rare occassion even my emotions. I don’t know how and why that – and I – changed. But I started to miss it. 

So here I am. Again. Starting over. The things you do during a global pandemic.

My name is Susanne, I’m in my mid-40s. I live somewhere in Germany and even though I’m technically an adult, I’m still trying to figure things out. Honestly, like… ALL the things. 

Back To Shore?

Because these lyrics felt right for what I’m trying to do here. Lyrical context: 

But if ever I stray from the path I follow,
Take me down to the English Channel,
Throw me in where the water is shallow,
And then drag me on back to shore.

From the song “If Ever I Stray”, by Frank Turner. Spoiler Alert: Frank will be featured on this blog quite a bit I’m afraid, because his music / lyrics mean so much to me. As in, when I decided to start a new blog I knew the title had to be a Frank lyric. I’m a fangirl, what can I say?

You can reach me on Instagram, Mastodon.Scot, Twitter (@dennasus on all of them) or via Email at susanne[at]ctbm.net