29.03.2021 | “I’ve known beauty in the stillness of cathedrals in the day…”

Lyrics: “Glory Hallelujah” ~ Frank Turner, 2011

I logged into my work computer for a tiny moment this morning. Not to work as I really can’t expect to get a proper feedback on my meeting scheduling mail from Friday before noon to Monday morning. I’ll do that tomorrow, I guess. But just this morning – after said weird dream – I remembered I still had my office number redirected to my mobile phone and I don’t need that during my days off. So I directed it to the colleague who’s standing in for me this week.

I dawdle the morning away for a while. Watching West Wing while having breakfast. Scrolling through my social media. Contemplated if I should go for a hike today or rather tackle some household chores. Then my supervisor called about the scheduled meetings, but that was handled quickly for today anyway. I also spent some time browsing online bookshops and goodreads to find my next romance novel to read, because no book of the many on my shelf interests me at the moment. I’m such a fickle reader sometimes. Even half a day later I still haven’t picked one.

At some point around noon I made up my mind and decided to go for a small hike. One of the many routes which are properly marked as such and not some route I found on a hiking website. Those hikes are good and all as well, but I sometimes prefer to have clear markers around to tell me where to go, so I don’t have to pull out my phone every few minutes to check if I’m still on the right trail. I picked a trail near the Mariendom (aka cathedral) in Neviges, so I could drop by there as well. I haven’t been there in ages and I’m always stunned by the building, because it’s unlike many many churches. Build in 1968 with concrete in a brutalist style. At the moment the roof needs to be renovated so half of it is hid behind scaffolding.

Mariencathedral, Neviges, 2021
Mariencathedral, Neviges, 2021

It might sound weird and it might be a typical “raised catholic” thing, but even in all it’s “concret brutalism”, being inside of this still feels very… church-y. It might be the high ceiling and the vast space and the stained glass windows? Or the candles and the flowers. The stillness and the reverence? I don’t know…

Mariencathedral, Neviges, 2021

The following hike through the surrounding landscape was lovely. As it was a workday and it’s a small city in an almost rural setting I didn’t encounter many people. The sun was shining, the birds were singing / tweeting ;-), I got some proper exercise, which I really need to do more of. A good first day of my days off…

Hiking in the sun, March 2021

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