Lyrics: “I Still Believe” – Frank Turner, 2011
This is just a quick rundown of the few podcasts I listened to this week; mostly in my car while driving to the office three instead of two times this week. Work’s been busy and I ended the week with almost three hours of overtime. Next week might go similar. But things are moving forward, that’s what I should focus on.
Anyway here is the top of my recently listened to podcast list:

Below that (which I wasn’t able to screencap on my phone in a landscape mode) is
- a still unfinished 10% Happier Episode about “Ancient Strategies For Managing Stress And Anxiety
- another interview podcast with Frank Turner: “Listen Carefully with Nathan Jolly” (what can I say? I’m a Frank fangirl)
There also was
- another informative, well balanced “A Muslim & A Jew Go There” (from last week, I still need to catch up with this week’s)
- A bit out of left field among the fangirling, self-care and current politics issues podcasts, is the DLF “Hörsaal” podcast (in German), which I try to listen to from time to time to broaden my horizon. The podcast basically is audio recording of a science lecture, usually not from a regular uni class or curriculum, but often from special lecture series or conferences. Either way, I always learn a lot. This episode was about the problems arising nowadays from the Allies Forces decisions to disarm Germany after WW II by dumping all stashes of Nazi war munitions into the North and Baltic Sea. Nerdy topic? Absolutely, but fascinating:
“Meeresforschung: Welche Gefahren von alter Munition ausgehen” [German]
This week’s podcasts highlight today was a long Talkhouse Podcast chat of Billy Bragg with Frank Turner. (fangirling – see above). I sort of knew Billy Bragg of course. I mean who with an interest in rock music and/or progressive politics hasn’t heard or sung along to “A New England” at some point in the last four decades ?!?!? And I was well aware of Frank relationship with / connection to Billy, but it was still super interesting to learn more about it. Learn more about Billy as well, because while I know off him and what kind of troubadour he is, I didn’t really know a lot about him. I shall rectify that by listening to more of his music on the weekend. Highlight of this chat was the common thread of how making music and listening to music and going to gigs and finding your people in the process shapes you and your view of the world and how much it all can mean to people. Or not just can, but does mean to people. Case in point those two guys who have been standing “on raised platforms in rooms” for 40 / 20 years. And also myself, who has learned and changed so much since I started listening to Frank’s music and going to his (and other) gigs and meeting people and all that.
I downloaded another new podcast interview with Frank today. Yes, I know, I’ve heard all the stories and anecdotes by now, but in most chats there are still tidbits of information I haven’t heard before. In the “Listen Carefully” one Frank mentions literal references to a song, which I never knew about and to be fair, I still don’t see / haven’t found the line he has drawn there. But I jotted it down to look into it at some point and if I find the reference and source material and all I might include it in the “Lyrical History”. In due time…