Lyrics: “Polaroid Picture” – Frank Turner, 2013
Back at work | Whenever possible I try to ease back into work life with a short 3-days-week and I was glad that I did this this time as well. I spare you the details. Next week will be pretty busy as well.

April-y September | I left the sea last Friday with lots of sun (and quite a bit of wind as well).

The weekend here was still nice, but then the the cold and rain set in. With bouts of sunny moments in between and then back to rain. All day every day this week.

Health | I’m back at 5:2 interval fasting and it still works like magic in regards to weight-loss. I also try to be more mindful about my food on the regular days, which of course helps. I’ve lost about 4 kg (8 lb) in 4 weeks, which is pretty cool. And it isn’t too hard to do, when you can keep busy during the day and thus keep your mind off “things” (like food). I once again did my fasting days while working from / being at home and usually I’m not that active on those days. So I went for an extra walk in the morning on those days to up my calories allowance. I took some photos while out.

Last day of my time off | Yes, this post is not chronological, but who cares ? In slight contrast to the “be more mindful about food” statement, I took a trip to the candy shop outlet about 20 minutes away on my last free day today. In the end I didn’t buy much different stuff than I usually buy at the regular supermarket, but that’s ok.

When I came back to my car I saw a small fleck on my drivers side view mirror. I expected it to be a piece of leave or something, so I flicked at it. It jumped away! Onto my hood and then to the windscreen….

Podcast Insights | Should the prompt be titled “insight from podcasts”? Whatever. Just real quick with a possible follow up next week.
#01 “Anger is a secondary emotion” – Heard in combination with some explanation on the 10% Happier Podcast and it resonated with me. We usually get angry and lash out because we’re scared. Or ashamed. Or embarrassed. Or something else. That other feeling might be valid and justified, but it feeds into the anger and sometimes it seems reasonable to work on that underlying emotions than on the anger. If that makes sense. I need to ponder on that.
#02 I wish I had appreciated George Michael more during his lifetime. – I knew his hits and even if not followed his career, was well aware of it, of course as I am a child of the 80s, a teen/young adult of the 90s. I didn’t know all that much about him as such though. I’m almost finished with a two-part episode on him from the “You’re Wrong About” podcast (Part 1 / Part 2) and now really wish I had followed his career and life more closely. He seemed to have been a very kind and lovely human being. A troubled soul as well of course, but who of us isn’t? I hope he rests in peace.
Off to bed soon-ish, yes around 8 on a Friday. Because the three days at work were busy and felt sort of stressful and I also have tons planned for tomorrow. Early start then as well.