231/2024 – “You Wouldn’t Get That on a Cop Show”

Another super laid back weekend to recharge from another super busy week. Or if not actually that busy but sort of stressful for me personally; work-related and such with so many balls to juggle and the constant fear of dropping some or all of them. As I’m prone to do, I also worried too much over nothing, which of course stressed me out as well.

In a previous life – so it seems – I used to unwind with watching TV shows on a streaming service or DVD. A variety of TV shows and many many episodes. These days I can’t really be bothered to start anything new. Nothing seems to catch my interest and to be fair, if I have to choose between reading a fictional story or watching a fictional story, the book always wins. Sometimes that makes me feel like a bit of an outsider because a lot of people seem to pick the TV over the book and they have things to talk about and I can’t join in because I’m not up to date with any of the new / hip shows.

The impulse to want to belong and the impulse to feel weird (wrong, outcast) if I don’t, is still going strong here. But I notice it much earlier and I’m mostly able to handle it and not beat myself up too much about it. So, Go Me!

But I still often I like to have some moving images on a screen in the background when I’m doing other things like having lunch / dinner (I know: not the most healthy habit) or when I scroll through social media or the news or do random personal admin stuff. Again I know, not the most productive, because multi-tasking is a myth. This desire for a background noise led to me having re-“watched” the complete boxset (DVD, remember those?) of “The West Wing” these past few months. Since that ended I did try some other shows, but nothing felt really interesting to me and I seriously considered to just start over with “The West Wing”. At that point I remembered there used to be a accompanying podcast: “The West Wing Weekly” which ran from 2016 to 2019. I think Netflix started airing the show a bit previously? I hadn’t listened to any of it before and thought that might be a better use of my time, even though I realized multi-tasking while listening works even less.

But I definitely enjoy the “Behind the Scenes” insight from Joshua Malina (Will Bailey) and his chatting with his old friend and co-host Hrishikesh Hirway and of course the occasional guest on the podcast; fellow actors, writers, costume designers and such. I’m only at episode 1.08 so I’ve still got a long way to go. It’s been so interesting to hear how the real political Washington DC reacted to the show back then (25 years ago!). They loved it – at least the Democratic Clinton government did – and the cast and crew quickly got all kind of access and invitations. Joshua quoted John Spencer (Leo McGarry), who often used to say “You wouldn’t get that on a cop show” and he was right. Bless his soul.

But the West Wing cast and crew also early on got in touch with a lot of other public service organisations. And to bring this all full circle (sort of): in one of the episodes so far they mentioned Melissa Fitzgerald (C.J.’s assistant Carol), who after the show had ended moved to D.C. to start working for a Veteran Non-Profit Organisation. I had heard that before, but then I googled her again and imagine my delight when I read in the organisation’s news section that a “Behind the Scenes” book about the TV show and all the good public causes the actors and crew support since had been released. Just days ago! 

Photo of a DVD, phone with the podcast and the book of the West Wing
West Wing Galore

That will keep me occupied for a while, I guess…


Some of the podcast episodes made me think a lot about how the people who work in politics are portrayed in such a good light on this show. On purpose, because this show was also meant as a love letter for public service. We need people who want to do those jobs and I don’t necessarily mean the politicians as such but all the staffers, who work long hours on a governmental wage. Who do this because they want to make their country / the world a better place.

I thought about how these days many people probably don’t have a positive view on people working for any level of any government. The distrust in government and polarization of society has reached such a toxic level. We all know why: Russian and Chinese bots, Elon Musk, the Trump-cult in the US… I thought about all the staffers who might join government if Trump wins. They probably also claim that they want to make the world a better place. The thing is, that their idea of a better place and mine are probably diametrical and that scares me quite a bit.

Ugh, this is a gloomy note to end a post on. Can I turn this around? Less than two weeks till I’m back by the sea for a week. Even less than that till I’ve got time off work. I can’t wait. 

Ameland Beach

Yes I know me being by the sea is only an upside for me and not you reading this, but at least there will be more ocean / beach / dunes content (on my Insta and here) then and that’s hopefully something to look forward to…

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