Isn’t today date nice to look at? I’m a nerd for numbers sometimes, so maybe it’s just me. Though for me the 24.04. is always nice to look at, because it’s my birthday. Of course a part of me wondered if mentioning this here could be seen as fishing for compliments (or rather well wishes I guess) and if I maybe should not mention it at all. Which is ridiculous, because it is a fact. It IS my birthday today. In the future for this blog I should more often remind myself of a Frank Turner lyric “I’m the one who’s got the microphone here”.
My day started crazy fangirling at 3 AM (I did say crazy, didn’t I?) with watching a 30 minutes Q&A with Frank and Aaron David Roberts, who accompanied Frank, band and crew in 2022 for the “50 States in 50 Days” endeavour in the USA.
After the Q&A the first of four episodes was aired as well (on Veeps), but I went back to bed. So, a bit sane after all. It was a good Q&A all in all, I saw many friendly faces – or rather names – I know, which is always lovely. A few days ago I left a question each for Frank and Aaron on an Instagram post that asked for question. Aaron, who sort of was the host, picked one of mine.
“I’ve got one from dennasus” (he pronounced it den-NA-sus stressing the middle part, whereas I’d always more stressed the first part DEN-na-sus, but I usually don’t often think about how to pronounce it, because it’s a written/read screen name most of all) “I’m going with that [way to pronounce it]” to which Frank then replied: “That’s Susanne. I know her”. Which was lovely to hear, as you can imagine. I mean, I know that he knows me and that he knows that I am dennasus online. I’ve been actively fangirling online and offline long enough now, so I shouldn’t be surprised. And I wasn’t really. But I was still delighted. What can I say?
When I got up after measly two more hours of sleep – and I hadn’t gotten that much sleep earlier in the night to begin with – for a moment I wasn’t sure if that delight really had been worth it. But yeah it was. Of course. As always.
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