Thanks to a lovely gig-buddy I had the chance to be at an exclusive, small and thus super cool Frank Turner gig earlier this week. It feels like it’s been too long since I’ve seen him play some songs on a stage in front of me. Almost five months ;-)! I know, I know, I’m a spoilt fangirl of a touring maniac who actually provides me with ample opportunities to see him play on a pretty regular basis. Did I just book four more of his gigs in October / November? Maybe… ? Kidding. Of course I did!

Back to that surprise gig; for the first part of this post anyway. Frank played for about an hour to about 100 people. Half of them won the ticket by telling the radio station why they should be at the gig, e.g. how big / special a fan they were. The other half (like me) were ‘plus ones’. I could have argued my case for being a big fan as well of course, but I hadn’t even entered the lottery, because I thought I couldn’t make the date work. Thus I was especially happy that I was able to tag along . Frank played five of the new songs – the four already released plus “Never Mind The Back Problems” and besides that it was a “Greatest Hits” set, which is always fun. The gig came with a “Meet & Greet” if you want to call it that. Frank was available for autographs, photos and a quick chat afterwards and of course we went to that as well and even though it’s always only just a short moment, it’s always nice to have that with him…