The online zine Punk Rock Theory asked Frank to rank his first ten albums and he shared the link with fighting words. I’m kidding, obviously – as is he – but I thought it was an interesting read. Especially as my list looks quite different. Obviously this comes down to Frank looking at those albums from the creator’s point of view and I from the listener’s one. And my list may look a bit different as soon as next week or so. It’ll always be a bit of a moment thing, I guess.
Anyway, here is mine – only of the nine so far released albums, obviously. And man, this was hard. I even decided to sleep on it. Yes, I know I’m paying too much attention to this. So what?
#09: Sleep Is For The Week (2007)
Back in my old review I already stated that it’s my least favourite of his albums. It’s got 2 or 3 bangers, e.g. “Once We Were Anarchists” which I always love to hear at a gig, but I’m rather indifferent about a lot of the other songs. My review from 2018.
#08 Poetry of the Deed (2009)
It’s quite similar with this album. Some I’ve learned to love, some I like, some I don’t care about all that much. My review from 2017.
#07 No Man’s Land (2019)
I would have loved to give extra points for the concept and idea and I absolutely applaud that he tried out a variety of genres / styles for this album. Unfortunately some of them just don’t land with me. It still contains some great songs like “Jinny Bingham’s Ghost”, “I Believed You William Blake”, “Graveyard of the Outcast Dead”. My review from 2019.
#06 England Keep My Bones (2011)
Another album with some great songs (all of them have some, it’s Frank after all), but this also feels well rounded in a way without a real miss. And of course it has “I Still Believe”, the song that started it all for me. My review from 2017.
#05 Love, Ire & Song (2008)
This would have to be in the top 5 for “Reasons Not To Be An Idiot” alone. Because back in 2013, when I first heard of Frank and started listening to his back catalogue this was one of the first songs that I felt “spoke” to me. I could relate to it so much and I was in awe of this songwriter who found the words to express what I couldn’t, But the rest of the album is great as well. My review from 2018.
#04 FTHC (2021)
Frank placed this on 4th as well, so that’s something we have in common. I like/love most of it and I mostly like the musical direction he’s taking here. Just not a major fan of the more hardcore-like stuff like “My Bad”. My review from 2021.
#03 Tapedeck Heart (2013)
This was the album which Frank toured with, when I started listening to his music and going to shows so this is sort of personal. Some of the songs are still staples in the setlist and I love that. My review from 2018.
#02 Be More Kind (2018)
I’ve got so much love for this one. I actually enjoy the more electronic vibe of it a lot and it’s got some of my favourite songs on it. Some he doesn’t play live all that often much to my dismay. “Brave Face” for instance. My review from 2018.
#01 Positive Songs For Negative People (2015)
I was a bit surprised that this ended up as my number 1. For now at least. But it’s got so many great songs and works well as an album all in all. For the record: “Mittens” is a great song and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on. My review from 2015.