285/2024 – “Be a Fan of Every Band Who Ever Made You Want to Move Your Feet”

Lyrics: “We Shall Not Overcome” – Frank Turner, 2013

For as long as I can remember I have been a fan-type of person. Being a fan of some kind of media mostly: movies, TV shows, music. My first proper – more active – fandom was music-related: Roxette from the early 1990 till around 2000. From the early 2000 till around 2015 I had sports fan phase as well, where I was very much into watching ice-hockey in the German premier hockey league, but also travel around to see the national team compete at world championships. But mostly my various fandom activities centred around TV shows. In the olden days – before the internet – being a fan was kind of a solitary and passive activity. I tried to catch every episode of my shows. I was happy about reruns. It got a bit easier once VCR and such became more common place. I spent a lot of time thinking about / imaging plots and or characters development. In my head I wrote lots of “will they / won’t they” kind of romance stories before I had ever heard the term “fanfiction”. 

The advent of the internet and its opportunity to find and connect with like-minded people to some extent changed how I was a fan. I joined and was an active member of a TV show fanclub for a while. I started and ran a fanpage for another TV show after that. I spent much time on fan forums / message boards, shared my thoughts on all kinds of stuff in long forum messages and later in blog posts. I met people online and from there in real life who shared my passion for these TV shows. Over the years as my fan interest changed, I lost touch with most of those people and that’s fine. But I am also still friends with some, whom I’ve met online 25 years ago, because we liked the same TV show. And I know that’s a bit insane, but in the best way possible!

Probably my latest proper TV addiction was Outlander, though that started with the books long before the TV show. And to be honest it’s still and will be ongoing with the books. Long before the TV show I here as well came up with my own ideas of how I’d like certain plots to continue within the canon. For instance, before “An Echo in Bone” came out in 2010 I had come up with my own scenario of how Jamie and William would meet for the first time. I like how that happened in the book in the end and by now I couldn’t really tell you how my version had been. But I definitely had spent quite some time and thought on it. I was super hyped about the TV show for the first few years, but was not as active in the fandom, because it’s sooooo huge and global and all. My interest in the TV show also lessened since they started to depart from the book plots more than I liked. But in the “early days” I was still all in. In 2016 I did spend quite a bit of a vacation in Scotland in 2016 to visit the various location they used for filming up to that point. And that was amazing.

"Craigh na Dun"
“Craigh na Dun” in 2016

Last week I mentioned that I had been at a TV convention. When during one of panels a fan delivered an emotional and teary “this show changed my life, because it taught me to believe in myself” kind of statement, my first impulse was to cringe and think that’s crazy / sad / a bit pathetic. Immediately after that thought had popped up though, I felt quite ashamed for two reasons. For one: I did “crazy” things because of TV show as well. Like travel to film locations in Scotland :-). Start a fanpage. Be an extra on a sitcom and so much more. My “crazies” were mostly superficial or self-indulgent, without any fundamental life-changing revelations, but other could and did consider them a bit strange as well, I’m sure.

But more importantly, I felt ashamed, because in the past decade I have made many, many statements of similar sentiment about Frank Turner’s music. I’m well aware that many people don’t or can’t understand how songs or a singer/songwriter can have such an impact on my life. I’m well aware that people might think it’s weird to go and see so many concerts of the same band. But I have experienced such a positive, empowering – call it life changing impact on my life – through Frank’s music / gigs / fandom community. So, who am I to judge if others had similar empowering experiences by for instance watching Eowyn – a woman – kill the Witch-King in “Lord of the Rings”? There were a few more similar stories about how these movies / TV show have inspired people to go and try new things and such and I think that’s amazing and applaudable!

Magic Con: Jack Wolfe and Kit Young
Jack Wolfe and Kit Young (Shadow and Bone)

The panel with two young actors from “Shadow & Bone” – Jack Wolfe and Kit Young also shone a light on the importance of representation of people of colour, queer people and how amazing and empowering it is to feel seen, because that character on this TV show is just like yourself. Again, that’s sort of like what I have experienced through having found Frank’s music. I have written extensively about how I can relate so well to so much of the emotional turmoil he so often touches on in his songs. How I never was able to articulate it and how grateful I was and still am that Frank is providing the words for it. I know that some or many people can’t relate to my experience and don’t quite get what Frank’s music (and others as well, but his in particular) mean to me. And that’s ok. After a decade the people in my life have grown used to it. And I’ve grown to not feel ashamed weird about it. And if other people feel seen and empowered by a TV show / movie in a similar way: Good for them.

T – 4 days till I’ll be in the crowd / at the barrier in front of a stage where Frank Turner & the Sleeping Souls will play some songs. I can’t wait!

280/2024 – Another Sunday Update

Yesterday I spent a day at MagicCon, a fantasy / mystery TV / Movie fan convention. I’m not a fantasy / mystery fan and honestly not much into any kind of TV shows these day either but I was interested in two of the main guests – Richard Armitage and Elijah Wood.

Magic Con: Richard Armitage
Richard Armitage
Magic Con Elijah Wood
Elijah Wood

I used the time during the autographs / photo session to get a late lunch somewhere and have a stroll through the river park, before I got back to the convention centre for the final three panels. Unfortunately most of my photos didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped. Still so much to learn about how to use my camera in not ideal lighting. I definitely do better with inanimate objects like buildings and landscape. 

The time at the convention made me ponder fandom in general and how I have been a fan-type all my life. But also how I have been a different type of fan in different fandoms and also in the different stages of my life. I started putting all those thoughts into a post, but it needs more work and I won’t manage to finish it today. I still wanted to share some photos from yesterday.

Magic Con: Dominic Monaghan
Dominic Monaghan
Japanese Garden Bonn
Japanese Garden
Mini Waterfall at the Japanese Garden
Shutter speed 1/1000 sec
Mini Waterfall in the Japense Garden
Shutterspeed: 1’3 sec

278/2024 “I’ve Been Lost More than Found”

Lyrics: “Little Changes” – Fran Turner, 2018

It’s odd to find myself emerging from a bit of slump – emotionally, mentally – and just then realizing that I have been in such slump, isn’t it? To me it is. The last few weeks – ever since I came back from vacation – have been super busy at work and other stuff so I’ve been glad about a public holiday yesterday and also glad that I took today off as well.

Earlier this week for a moment I had considered using yesterday’s public holiday to do the next part of my “One Foot Before the Other Pilgrimage”, but decided against it and opted for a lazy, relaxing day at home. Which absolutely was the right choice. I won’t bore you with more of the introspection and journalling that also happened these past few days. A lot of thoughts and emotions along the lines of Gratitude. Perspective. Self-Compassion. Onwards and upwards and all that.

The last two books I had read in September didn’t live up what I had hoped for. I’m glad to say that my current read “The Atlas Six” excels my expectations, which shouldn’t have been a surprise, as I have already enjoyed two different books from the writer Olivie Blake (aka Alexene Farrol Fallmouth). I was a bit hesitant, because in some way the book seems quite hyped (TikTok sensation etc.) and I was afraid I might feel the same way about it than I did with the other super successful (but also quite hyped) Empyrean series aka “Fourth Wing”. Which I read the first book of, but didn’t feel hooked enough to keep going. Yes, I know the latter is clearly marketed as from the fantasy genre and the Atlas Series as (dark academia) magic genre. Fantasy and Magic are not the same. But as a reader I admit I’m rather particular about what in each genre I enjoy and/or can tolerate. And both series are similar in that way, that we follow a group of new/young recruits who start training for their new “job”.

Excerpt from the Atlas Six
I’m intrigued….

I very much enjoy The Atlas Six so far though. The world building works fine for me, the six main characters are interesting / intriguing, the plot has the right amount of twist & turns so far and I love how the whole magic idea is interspersed with philosophical and scientific aspects. Do I have an idea who might be eliminated after year 1? Not really yet. I know whom I’d like it to be, but I have no idea. Every story needs a villain, and that’s probably exactly the reason why it won’t be them. And maybe it’s just me who thinks they are the villain in this part of the story. I’ll see.

Of course, as the “shipper” that I still sometimes tend to be, I see romantic potential of one of the woman with two of the three guys. I still haven’t worked out which I might prefer. One way it would be a classic trope, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I’ll be back on the couch with the book after finishing this, for sure.

Talking about “shipping”, I was in disbelief earlier this week, when I read that “Grey’s Anatomy” would go into it’s 20th season this year. I had been such a huge fan of this show for quite a number of years. So many long episode reviews on my previous blog. Rewatching certain episodes / scenes so many times. Obsessing over the brilliant music selection. I know would have to look up the season synopsis / episodes list to be able to tell you when I gradually lost interest. I did stop watching for good when Shonda killed McDreamy. On my birthday!

But it was fun while it lasted and I’m planning to “re-visit” some of the music this weekend at least.

Talking about music: T-11 days till I finally see my favourite band play a full band headline show again. It’s been too long.