287/2024 – “I Place One Foot Before the Other” – Part 02

Lyrics “One Foot Before the Other” – Frank Turner, 2011

Yesterday I went out to tackle my next section of a “German Way of St. James” (on re-established historic pilgrim routes). Here are a few photos and some rambling thoughts on that.

Part 02: Natrup-Hagen – Lengerich (Stadtfeldmark) (~ 13 km)
Saturday, 12 October 2024
Way marker on a tree
One of many way markers

For anyone who’s checking the route on a map, I feel the need to state that I did not just walk the 9 km to the centre of Lengerich, but even further; to its outskirts, if you like. It’s a small town which encompasses quite a few villages and one of those – Stadtfeldmark – was where I ended my trip yesterday and hopped on the bus to take me back to a train station.

The original plan had been to hike a bit further, but due to cancelled and delayed trains in the morning – and also poor planning on my part re: parking near the train station – I arrived at my starting point of yesterday’s hike two hours (!!) later than originally planned! The bus I needed to get on at the end only goes once per hour and I was expecting more train trouble on the way back, so I stopped my walk early than planned after about 5 hours. Took the bus at 15:15, was home at 18:30-ish.

Autumn fields

Anyway, it was a lovely day out. I once again purposefully stayed off mails and social media for the day. I was not all the time as mindful about where I was and what I was doing as I had liked and once again spent more time, than I’d have liked ruminating / worrying / “in my head”, but at least I was and am aware of it and that’s a first step, right?

On my 2nd outing I brought a mat to be able to sit down anywhere I like without fear of getting my clothes dirty or wet (and also not to sit on something too cold). I loved how they easily constructed a bench here.

Photo of seating mat on a makeshift bench
Better prepared this time

There were a few different way markers / signage on the way.

Sign on outer fall of a timber framed house
Sign on an old timber framed house
Stele with a scallop and some art, forest ground
Artful stele markers along the way

Unlike last time the route yesterday took me mostly through rural settings, farmland, forests and all that, which was lovely.
Herd of sheep on a meadow
They were kind of curious (if I had some food, probably)
Lots of large trees, light filtering through
Typical forest mood

I didn’t see as much “Indian summer” foliage as I had liked to be honest, but this was nice.

some creeper plant, autumn foliage on a wire fence
Autumn foliage

Towards the end the route took me a long a lot of long – not winding – roads.

Long stretch of a narrow road
Quite a few long narrow roads

Until I left the path at this point to head for the bus stop.

Way Marker at the end
The end – for me on this section (for now)

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