246/2024 – “We Can Help, Create and Instigate. People Give Me Hope.”

Lyrics: “The Leaders” – Frank Turner, 2024

For a moment I considered trying to capture some of my thoughts here on Sunday’s election results of two state elections, where the neo-fascist AfD and the new left-populist-also-partially-racist BSW got the most votes. I decided against it.

I don’t have the words (yet).

I don’t think this tiny blog is the right (online) space for it. I do not want to turn it into a space for it. These days I want and need this to be a hopeful and happy place. That doesn’t mean I won’t ever share or link to voices much more eloquent than mine about the whole mess.

I will continue to educate myself about what I can do and how I can help to fight against these opinions, policies. But not on here.

My vacation is still going splendidly. I’ve quickly reached the “what day of the week is it again?” state of being. I go for short walks to and along the shore. I take photos.

Close up of a wave
Wave in motion

I read. By the shore, on the balcony, on the sofa, in bed….

Close up of half a page of a paperback in focus, beach and the ocean blurry in the background
Reading by the beach

Yesterday I also finally started working on the one (major) project I brought along with me to spend some focused time: To revise, streamline and re-publish my “Frank Turner’s Lyrical History of Mankind” post.

Screenshot of my notes for revised lyrical history
Work in progress

I want to get this done this week, even though right now it looks like more work than I had expected. I want to do it properly and then of course my perfectionism kicks in again. And I need to remind myself to take breaks and to something else. Like go for a walk. Or read. Or both…

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