Well, I have with my camera’s setting and finally after all this time I’ve managed to get a good jump shot at the final applause. With the full original cast even, Yay! One thing to check of my bucket-list. Kidding. Or not.
Operation Mincemeat – A New Musical” for the 2nd time on this trip was almost as much fun as on Saturday. Not as much went wrong this time 😉 But seriously, it always makes me happy to see it and to be able to chat with the cast a bit after at the stage door. I know, I know, I’ve banged on about that one line from it, but there is so much truth in it. For me anyway.
“The world’s a mess, Charlie. Small flashes of joys, that’s all any of us can hope for”
Ewen Montagu, Operation Mincemeat – A New Musical