Lyrics: “Imperfect Tense” – Frank Turner, 2008

Look, I edited my photos from show 3000 and uploaded them here. That much at least. There will be a post about the show. And another one about the rest of the time in London. This weekend hopefully.
Right now I’m just in a bit of funk. Not really post-gig-blues, which is a good thing. I have lots of thoughts about how differently I feel about or how I experience a Frank Turner show these days. I’m definitely less “obsessed” and that’s a very good thing. Some of that might /will make it into the post about the show.
But so far this week has been sort of busy with errands and work and coming to terms with election results here in Germany. Thoughts and worries about what will happen and how much won’t happen under this new government, because the ideas, initiatives and policies are too liberal or too left or too woke. Even though I was fed up by (local) politics and even though plan to take a step back from being actively involved, I still care deeply about those issues. And I haven’t even begun to talk about the mess that’s going on in the USA right now.
I think I might still be in the processing and mourning stage. In a newsletter I read, that we should just call it as we experience it. And I think many people on the left (like I consider myself to be) are mourning the loss of possible and necessary change for a fairer, less racist, less carbon-reliant, greener future. And a lot of people are not just mourning but are also afraid about their very own future. People of colour. Trans people. People who rely on financial support for whatever reason.
I find myself turning inward and focusing on myself and my own mental health and growth and change without feeling too guilty about doing that instead of writing letters, going to an anti-fascist march or whatever. Seeking solace in another “West Wing” re-watch. Escaping in a good fun novel… I’m just a bit tired, is all.