293/2024 – “The Solitary Stillness of the Early Hours”

Lyrics: “Good & Gone” – Frank Turner, 2013

Not only or in fact even the early hours as such. But stillness in some way from yesterday evening and all day today. And it was good. I stayed home and didn’t see or speak to a single soul, expect replying “no problem” to the postman thanking me for buzzing him in. I also purposely stayed off any social media for ~ 24 hours. Only checked my mails once this morning, once in the afternoon. I should do that more often. Or just find a more balanced use of it all in general, but I still struggle a bit with that to be honest. At least after such a mini digital detox I tend to stay more mindful about my use for a bit and that’s something.

Close up of a fountain pen on an open journal page, 18.10.224 written above it

Yesterday and this morning I journaled a bit and will definitely go back to that once more after posting this. It does help to work through some stuff.

After weeks of feeling ‘uninspired’ or lacking motivation, I also finally picked up my doodling sketch paper. That also helps to empty / calm my anxious mind a bit.

Squares / rectangles of various sizes coloured in two shades of blue and green

I watched some more videos of the online photography class I had signed up (and paid) for months ago, because I plan to get back into doing that more as well. Possibly starting tomorrow during the day in Cologne with some urban / cityscape photography, before I’ll get in the queue for my 2nd show of the current Frank Turner show tomorrow evening. Well, the show will be in the evening, I’ll be in the queue in the late afternoon.

And I’ve finished “The Atlas Paradox” and started with “The Atlas Complex”.

Close up of the blue cover of "The Atlas Complex" novel
My current read

I enjoyed the 2nd book of the trilogy as well. I heard critical / negative things about “Complex” so I’m a bit apprehensive, but 30 pages in, I can’t complain yet. On the contrary, I’m still in awe of Blake’s writing. Her way of bringing all the characters to life with very distinctive voices. How she makes me interest / care about each and everyone of them, because everyone is just a flawed human. Well not human, medeian in this case, but still. Not inherently good or bad, but a multitude of emotions, ideas, plans and childhood trauma. I’ve mentioned it on here several times before, but I just adore her writing and I’m glad I’ve got about 450 pages ahead of me Favourite line in these 30 pages yet for some reason:

He understands that he’s on the spectrum somewhere, everyone is – that’s the point of a spectrum [….]

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