Lyrics: “Back to Life” – Soul II Soul, 1989
And just like that my week by the sea is already (almost) over. I’m leaving tomorrow. Hopefully relaxed and recharged enough to get through the long time till my next (relaxing) break around Christmas. I will take a few days off in November, but I’ll be a travelling fangirl then, which is good for my soul and all, but also can be a bit exhausting.
I’m glad that for the last few days I managed to mostly ignore the news and managed to stay off social media for a bit. Not 100%. Not even 75%. But a bit at least.
I didn’t “do” as much as I had (vaguely) planned to do, but I’m cool with that. Self-compassion and all. I read a lot. I mean A LOT. I finally sat down and took the time (quite a bit) to do a long-planned revision of this Frank Turner fan-project.
I spent time by the sea. I slept. I took photos (and probably will again tonight at sunset). Life has been good.