217/2024 – “Whatever Else May Be, I Will Not Forget My Friends…”

Lyrics: “St. Christopher Is Coming Home” – Frank Turner, 2008

Oh look, it’s Sunday again.

The plan for my short break / long weekend (Thursday to today) originally had been to hang out some place else with people I don’t see all that often anymore. Life required a change of plans, so people came down to where I live to hang out here for a while.

We went out to eat: breakfast, late lunch, cocktails, dinner… you name it. Not everything each day, but quite a few times.

The cakes in one of the places we met for breakfast looked to delicious to not share (with four people) at least one piece after an already yummy breakfast.

Two pictures, on the left a slice of chocolate raspberry cake with a raspberry on top, on the left a empty plate with a few crumbs
Yummy yummy cake

We went out to see stuff. A “Planet Ocean” photo exhibition and a digital and immersive art installation with works from Dali and Gaudi.

We talked. We laughed. We reminisced. We fangirled.

It all went by too fast. Let’s not wait so long to do that again.

There are a lot of things going on at the moment in my country, in other European countries, in the world. I have many thoughts on a lot of those things, but none in any eloquent shape or form I’d feel comfortable to share yet. Unlike the gazillions of people spewing their biased and unfounded ‘thoughts” on social media.

Here are some nice photos from this weekend instead:

Photo of a large photo, a polar bear under water between some floating ice
Polar Bear about to get out of the water
Photo of a large photo of mangrove by the sea, the roots are covered by fog
Mangrove in the fog
Phoenix des Lumieres sign on the square in front of a brick building with former industrial iron buildings in the background
Outside the digital art exhibition
Inside a spacious former industrial space, colourful Dali art images projected on the walls
Salvador Dali all over
Close up of some digital art projection - Salvador Dali
Close up of some well know details in Dali’s art
Inside a spacious former industrial space, colourful Gaudi art images projected on the walls
Bursts of colour in Gaudi’s art

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